“I am your guru, I will always be your guru” was the announcement made by a yoga teacher to a group of students. Hearing stories like this within the yoga community deeply concerns me.  Student-teacher relationships are magical when there is a healthy bond. Unfortunately, this respect and admiration can be abused under certain circumstances. The alarming trend of self-proclaimed “guru teachers” inspired me to write an article about finding your guru but I felt like this needed to go deeper.

After the emergence of multiple lawsuits against widely popular guru teachers it’s clear the global yoga community is finally waking up to the abuse of power in the context of teaching. No longer will we stand for sexual harassment disguised as physical adjustments or the advances made by unethical teachers.

Beyond the obvious unethical behavior there is a wider issue at stake for those seeking spiritual salvation. This is a where a sneakier form of manipulation emerges. Suddenly, we are marketed with the idea of a guru teacher and being sold on the idea of reaching “samadhi” (union with the divine: pure bliss). I trust that anyone who has attained an enlightened state would have no need to proclaim it to the world yet there are teachers, practitioners, and healers that package up this concept for public consumption—often targeting vulnerable spiritual seekers in need of guidance. There are leaders who hold genuine concern for people rather than profits and status. I am a firm believer abundance is possible while helping others in the process, I am simply suggesting that not every single guru teacher has this intention in mind.

guru teachers

I am not saying do not look for spiritual freedom or a yoga teacher. Find a yoga teacher who is humble, skilled, and confident. Luckily, there are many passionate teachers in this world who have clear intentions. Here are a few of the warning signs when seeking a yoga teacher:

1.) If someone refers to themselves as your Guru or Teacher (exclusively)… RUN 

Yes, they can call you their student but beware if there is an attachment to exclusivity. There are so many amazing teachers that have valuable insight to offer. However, beware the guru teacher. This may be a situation where bolstering their ego takes priority over truly making a difference. Any great teacher can recognize there are many other skilled professionals in their field without feeling threatened by them.

2.) Their method is “the best” method

One of the unique parts about teaching yoga is all of the different perspectives offered. There are so many types of yoga and teaching styles that can fit specific needs, so how could you justify “the best” method? For instance, during asana practice (a.k.a. the poses), alignment and teaching methodology has many inconsistencies even between well-known, experienced and knowledgeable teachers. When you also consider all of the different body types and abilities there can’t really be one perfect method. There are many experiences, intentions, and considerations, but who is to say what is “right” and what is “wrong.” The way that I’ve come to terms with this concept is finding what is right for me, and that is what I like to share with students. However, what’s right for me may not be for everyone, which is perfectly fine.

3.) Understanding that we are all human

We’re all human, we’re all sharing this experience… So let’s stop putting yoga teachers on a pedestal! Don’t get me wrong, I have a few teachers who I really look up to. They have incredible teachings to share, but one of the greatest qualities a teacher can possess is empathy. A teacher is not immune to sadness, weakness, doubt and fear, but hopefully they are determined to overcome these hurdles and encourage you to do the same. These fluctuations are part of the human condition which we all experience. Luckily, yoga and meditation provide a framework that offers clarity—especially when it comes to actions and reactions—but that doesn’t mean practitioners and teachers never make mistakes.

If you are seeking a teacher, be cautious of the warning signs but maintain the understanding that we are all human. We all seek growth, and continue to be in the process of learning.  It’s the ability to connect with your own true nature for purpose and guidance. I encourage everyone to find great teachers in their life, but always listen to their inner guru. This will be your most powerful tool to discovering true value in the knowledge you already possess.

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